You must consider three main factors when choosing decorative stones in your landscaping project. They are material, aesthetical value and cost basics. When you choose gravel for your decorative landscaping, you must have basic knowledge about the nature of this decorative stone.
In the 1970s, coloured gravel and evergreens became the low maintenance solution to prolonged drought. Today new and innovative ideas for gravel in the landscape are implemented to create unique design compositions, to save water and eliminate high maintenance lawns.
Before you decide on using gravel in your landscape, consider the following factors that influence availability, longevity and cost.
Material. The material of gravel consist of crushed gravel, river run gravel and cobble. Each of them has pros and cons.
Crushed gravel is suitable to landscape walkway and driveway on a gentle slope, since it has sharp edges making it remain in place. While river run gravel is very attractive as decorative stone commonly used as pebbles. There is no exact size of this stone, since natural process of river water making the shape irregular. To create the desired landscape size, you must pour the gravel through sieves. Unlike crushed gravel, cobble is not suitable for walkway and pet, the stone, however is better in serving decorative purpose. It has attractive colour and texture.
When you have chosen what material of gravel, you want to apply. Next, you need to consider aesthetic factor. Mixed gravels contain many shades of colour and some achieve a jewel-like quality particularly those, which contain agate and feldspar parent material. These make excellent material for smaller projects seen close up where the colour and sparkle is best appreciated. For a larger landscape, gravel colour should work hand in hand with the overall colour palette of the project, or with that of any existing natural stone on site. Think twice before selecting white, as it tends to produce glare. Very dark colours tend to gobble up light and produce a very flat character over all.
Not only colour you have to consider, thickness is another aesthetic value to must keep in mind. For example, when you want to use gravel for lawn, make sure you lay a proper thickness of gravel that can cover the lawn completely. When choosing gravel for a driveway, select a larger particle size that will not be stuck in tire treads. When choosing gravel for a walkway, the smaller the particle the easier it will be for women in high heels or those with disabilities.
In the planning, you must include the cost of labour. Although gravel is cheap, but moving it is increasingly expensive as fuel prices rise. Due to the weight of this product, heavy equipment is necessary to load and haul it. The first haul is from the point of origin at the quarry to your local rock yard. The second haul is from the rock yard to your yard.